
Nxtfour founders Michael Bryant and Jackson Evans (middle) participated in the Soaring Startup Circle during the summer of 2014.
Nxtfour founders Michael Bryant and Jackson Evans (middle) participated in the Soaring Startup Circle during the summer of 2014.

Nxtfour, founded by Boston College seniors Michael Bryant and Jackson Evans, is a social and educational network for high school students. We give students a place to bring together their academic, social, and extracurricular interests to create a beautiful and innovative resume, connect with other students, and showcase their work to college admissions counselors and employers. Upload anything from grades to activities to artwork or highlight tapes.

The Nxtfour Blog serves as a forum for discussion among high school students, current college students, and college admissions counselors. Here, you can find reviews of colleges by current students, advice for high school students, and relevant pieces that cover everything from the application process to the college transition to the food in college towns across America.

Our diverse team of writers aims to bring our readers a unique experience that covers everything about college.

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